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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
the scarlet letter essays
the red letter articles In the book The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a character by the name of Roger Chillingworth had submitted the indefensible sin and he fundamentally slaughtered another character, Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Everybody has been in a position where they have gotten the opportunity of controlling or coercing somebody. Chillingworth did precisely that and wound up breaking down Dimmesdale to his demise. Dimmesdale was not the single one influenced by Chillingworths deeds. Chillingworth had a life partner, however nobody knew about their relationship. Her name was Hester Prynne and she had an ill-conceived youngster named Pearl. The Reverend Dimmesdale took part in an extramarital entanglements with Hester, and he is the genuine dad of Pearl. All through the novel the individuals of Boston were retained this data, alongside the data of Hesters genuine spouse. Chillingworth was a doctor, or back in those days a specialist was known as a siphon. Dimmesdale began to feel sick, along these lines beginning the start of his end. Dimmesdale became not just a patient of Chillingworth, however a flat mate as well. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth has come to know the clergymen most private feelings, and he has started to speculate that Dimmesdales sickness is the aftereffect of a profound mystery that has at no time been trusted with another. In a sequestered discussion with Hester, Chillingworth made a promise to descry the genuine dad of Pearl, and uncover him. In a discussion with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth raises the topic of why an individual would... <! The Scarlet Letter articles In Nathaniel Hawthornes epic, The Scarlet Letter, two primary characters Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth both have insider facts however each languishes various outcomes over their wrongdoings. Insider facts are those that are kept from general society to shroud blame, disgrace, vengeance, despise, and love. Outcomes happen normally from an activity maybe a mystery. Sins happen far and wide however ordinarily individuals dont get injured from them yet this case is unique. Chillingworth and Dimmesdale are two entirely unexpected individuals however they do share several things in like manner, Hester is a lady who submitted the transgression infidelity and is the fundamental motivation behind why Dimmesdale and Chillingworth need to conceal their privileged insights. Dimmesdale says I have chuckled, in harshness and anguish of heart, at the difference between what I appear and what I am! Dimmesdale submitted infidelity with Hester. Hester was stood up to before all the individuals however Dimmesdale kept his activity covered up. Chillingworth returns from a long ocean journey to see his better half Hester remaining on a framework with An on her chest. Chillingworth than converses with a towns individual to perceive what is happening. The towns individual discussions about Hesters spouse not knowing who he is conversing with. He says Yonder lady, Sir you should know, was the spouse of a specific educated man. English by birth, however who had since quite a while ago stayed in Amsterdam, whence, some great time agone, he was disapproved to traverse and join up with us of the Massachusetts. Chillingworth use to be Master Prynne however changed his name so he wouldnt be humiliated by Hester. Privileged insights can cause issues down the road for them in torment or quality. The outcomes of these privileged insights start off in two distinct manners. Dimmesdale endures terribly with the blame and agony inside his body. In Mr. Dimmesdales mystery storage room, safely secured, there was a ridiculous scourage. Dimmesdale would beat ... <! The Scarlet Letter expositions The Scarlet Letter - Individuality inside a Puritan Society Regularly in the public arena individuals are censured, rebuffed and scorned for their individual decisions and blemishes. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the creator endeavors to show the manner in which society throws out people just on the grounds that their thoughts and deeds contrast from the basic qualities. Nathaniel Hawthorne utilizes Hester Prynne to represent that the individuals who challenge social congruities can profit society in general. In spite of the fact that she has been expelled for submitting infidelity, she sees that the network needs her. Through her liberal achievements the network acknowledges she is an individual who, paying little heed to her wrongdoing, can influence the network in a positive way. In the start of the book Hester Prynne is openly embarrassed as a discipline for breaking a Puritan conviction and one of the Ten Commandments; infidelity. She is then compelled to remain before the town for a considerable length of time as the group attempts to separate her with analysis and disgracing words. After her discharge, the scene was not without a blend of wonderment, for example, much consistently contribute the exhibition of blame and disgrace of a kindred animal (63). They nearly took a have a great time her discipline, having thought they scrubbed the town, and along these lines just leaving an unadulterated society. They imagined that in the event that they rewarded her so terrible that nobody could ever even consider violating the law again. As the story starts the townspeople don't consider her to be a need yet as an aggravation to dispose of. They don't understand the requirement for which they have of her. What's more, that she is the same amount of a piece of the network as they all may be. So it could be said when the exile Hester they are banishing a piece of themselves. After this she is given greater discipline by wearing the letter A weaved on all that she wears as a suggestion to everybody that she has submitted infidelity. She is tossed away and is not, at this point a network part. She endured these experiences ... <! The Scarlet Letter expositions Infidelity, disloyalty, indiscrimination, deception, and interest, all of which would make a magnificent coming fascination on the Hollywood scene and presumably an entirely decent book. Include Puritan goals and composing styles, making it since quite a while ago, drawn out, monotonous, wearisome, rest inciting, dully silly, and the final product is The Scarlet Letter. Regardless of every one of these things it is viewed as a work of art and was The Scarlet Letter is an awesome and not really customary case of the great versus insidious subject. What makes this a one of a kind example of good versus underhanded is that either side could be viewed as possibly one. Hester could easily have been found as detestable, or the trouble maker, as she was by the townspeople. That is, she was sentenced for infidelity, an appalling sin of the time, yet perhaps not even seen as criminal today. With respect to discipline, a sentence to wear a red An upon her chest, it would barely be thought about a weight or extraordinary sentence in present day. Or on the other hand Hester can be viewed as defying a general public where she was constrained into a cold marriage and consequently she would be the hero, or young lady, all things considered. Additionally the townspeople, the officers, and Chillingworth, Hester's genuine spouse, can be seen in the two lights. Possibly they can be seen as simply maintaining the law - she submitted a wrongdoing, they authorize the law. Then again are they going to outrageous estimates, for example, needing to take Pearl, Hester's little girl, away on the grounds that Hester has veered off from the standard, all to uphold an out of line law that doesn't In spite of the fact that the subjects of the novel do have any significant bearing to significant issues in history and could have had effects on the timeframe, they were not extraordinary. During the occasions and in the Puritan people group this didn't have a huge effect on ... <! The Scarlet Letter papers The melancholy depiction, reflexive of the puritan culture in section one of the Scarlet Letter, was framed by Nathaniel Hawthorne to portend occasions in the novel, however to likewise uncover the topical thought of social dismissal and Hawthornes own reject of social similarity and vision. Through the utilization of symbolism, state of mind, tone, centrality, and imagery, the peruser can solidly get a handle on the creators reason by the piece of these artistic components. Scattered all through section one are different expressive expressions that upgrade the dismal and dull temperament introduced by Hawthorne. In his portrayal of the occupants of Boston, he delineates, A crowd of unshaven men, in pitiful shaded articles of clothing and gray....(45). As recommended by this, the peruser is unmistakably ready to see the one-track society of the Puritans. A crowd of whiskery men passes on a feeling of consistency among the early Bostonians, an ocean of similarity wherein no specific individual sticks out. Through Hawthornes centrality of the jail, the plot is yet furthur upgraded. His dreary referrals to the jail show the standards of the Puritan culture, where deviation is frequently deserving of detainment, and how socially unsuitable activities were weighted intensely upon the carry out er of the thing. Evidently some time back, a lady by the name of Anne Hutchinson was sentenced to the jail for some inferred reason. Nonetheless, it isn't Anne Hutchinson herself that is significant; it is the rule wherein she represents that Hawthorne equals to the story. ... <! The Scarlet Letter expositions Imagery is the act of speaking to things by images. The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a book of much imagery. Set in seventeenth century New England, the book begins with the open discipline of Hester Prynne, an indicted philanderer. One of the most mind boggling and misconstrued images in the book is Hesters ill-conceived girl, Pearl. All through the story, she forms into a powerful image - one that is consistently ch
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Faust :: essays papers
Faust This Book has numerous obscure characters, just Gretchen is the one character you can feel frustrated about, that is the thing that makes this catastrophe so astonishing yet satisfying .Her and Faust going around satisfies you, yet you foresee them to fall frantically into affection with each other and finish their lives reveling with Mephisto. In any case, this unadulterated untainted soul is fooled into deserting the guiltlessness of her childhood and dying down to the insidious one for the guarantee of wealth and a superior life. So by and by you have nobody to pull for, on the grounds that despite the fact that you comprehend Faust’s problem he’s getting what he needed. Next you truly start to abhor Faust on the grounds that once he has seen and had all that Gretchen brings to the table his adoration turns into a captivation prodded by his recently discovered youth. At that point who are you left with; Gretchen a now pregnant fake frantically trusting her â€Å"lov er†who has harmed her mom and killed her sibling will come spare her from jail, and Mephisto the Devil himself. The whole Gretchen Tragedy is there to conjure a sentiment of enticement. A kind of â€Å"What if†, truly what might you do if a gorgeous individual from the other gender who has more cash than anybody you have ever known about moved toward you depicting their affection to you like a gooey Julia Roberts film. This demonstrates the point that Mephisto made to God in Prologue in Heaven â€Å"If just it were grass he could rest in! There is no rubbish he won't jab his nose in.†(Prologue In Heaven p. 85). We should continue searching for better things, if Gretchen somehow managed to acknowledge what a little value she was paying to forfeit life on earth forever everlasting in paradise. She was without transgression until she permitted human instinct to dominate. Gretchen upon her passageway into the play is cliché of a laborer lady of that time; she works throughout the day, lives with her folks, and would like to one day wed over her group so her little girl won't need to suffer as she has for a mind-blowing duration. Be that as it may, she starts a transformation when she meets Faust. In the first place, she discovers gems that she can’t start to depict, so she offers them to her mom run of the mill of the occasions.
Friday, August 14, 2020
MPA application dates COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
MIA/MPA application dates COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog SIPA will be closed Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29 in observance of Thanksgiving. Here in the U.S. people are planning Thanksgiving gatherings with family and friends. The feast will continue through the weekend. This is also a weekend when a number of prospective applicants are planning to sit down and fill out their applications for graduate school taking advantage of the long weekend. As you browse through our website for application deadlines, you may find a couple of confusing application dates for the MIA/MPA program. We say our application deadline is January 6, 2014 (for Fall 2014) but that deadline is for those applicants who wish to be considered for a merit fellowship. If you are one of the few who does not need funding, then mark February 5 (final application deadline) on your calendar. So if you wish to be considered for a merit fellowship, you must make sure your application is submitted complete, which means all documents are received by the Admissions Office by January 6, 2014 at 11:59:59 pm EST (keep in mind there are no deliveries to our office after 5pm EST). This is where it gets confusing. There are a couple of SIPA scholarship deadline exceptions that you may still be eligible for even if you submit your application after January 6. These are SIPA scholarships (outside the first year Merit Fellowship consideration) and require a separate scholarship application. These SIPA scholarship applications must be submitted by January 27. Unfortunately, you cannot get started on them without first submitting your program application. so get moving on it and good luck. We wish you a safe and happy holiday!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Letter Of The Letter By Harriet Tubman - 1620 Words
Trung Le 816451513 WMNST 341A Dr. Sue Gonda July 2, 2015 Final Part 1 1. Primary Source: Letter to President Abraham Lincoln, written by abolitionist Lydia Marie Child quoting Harriet Tubman. 2. Dated: January 21, 1862 3. The author of the letter to Lincoln was abolitionist Lydia Marie Child who directly quoted Tubman. According to text, Tubman was illiterate so she had others write for her; â€Å"her oral reminiscences were recorded in book form by a neighbor and friend, Sarah H. Bradford†(TWE 307). Tubman was well known for her work in the Underground Railroad, a â€Å"network of safe houses†that led slaves to freedom (Bio). She was born into slavery in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1820 under the name of Araminta Ross; later she took her mother’s name, Harriet, and the last name of her husband, John Tubman, who she married in 1844. In her early life as a slave, Tubman went through a lot of hardships. Tubman’s sisters were sold to distant plantations, and physical violence was a part of her daily life. One of her most life-changing scars occurred when she refused to help an overseer punish a young man for leaving the field without permission. The overseer thr ew a heavy object intended for the young man and it struck Tubman in the head; she suffered permanent brain damage that would give her seizures for the rest of her life (Bio). When Tubman’s master died in 1849 she escaped with her two brothers fearing that they would be sold and further separated from herShow MoreRelatedThe Narrative Of The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Tubman1721 Words  | 7 PagesInjustice is a prevailing theme in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Tubman, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, Spider Woman s Web by Susan Hazen-Hammond and Great Speeches by Native Americans by Bob Blaisdell; the diligence of several characters have made it possible for them to preserve and overcome injustices. America has not always been a land of the free for colored people; white settlers destroyed the meaning of freedom when they robbed the landRead MoreHarriet Tubman, Mother Jones, And Melba Pattillo Beals1430 Words  | 6 PagesHow can a person make a big difference in human rights? Well, Harriet Tubman, Mother Jones, and Melba Pattillo Beals are all examples of people who fought and made a b ig impact for all human rights. While Harriet Tubman and Melba Pattillo Beals stood up for African American Rights, Mother Jones fought for child labor laws, and all these individuals were determined to take action for their cause. These special people helped to enact change by standing up for rights they believe in, and fighting forRead MoreEssay on Abolitionists997 Words  | 4 PagesAbolitionists Strategies of Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, and John Brown Abolitionist Movement was a reform movement during the 18th and 19th centuries. Often called the antislavery movement, it sought to end the enslavement of Africans and people of African descent in Europe, the Americas, and Africa itself. It also aimed to end the Atlantic slave trade carried out in the Atlantic Ocean between Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Many people participated in trying to end slavery. TheseRead MoreHarriet Tubm A Biography1298 Words  | 6 Pagesthe authors of Harriet Tubman :A biography focused on telling the remarkable story of Harriet Tubman the biography tells the story about her early years as young Arminta Ross, how she escape slavery, her duties as the Underground Railroad Conductor, and her roles in the Civil War. I feel like the authors purpose of writing this books was to educate and inform readers about the times of Harriet Tubman and what she had to endure and also to give a understanding on why Harriet Tubman is so legendaryRead MoreThe Huma n Rights Of Harriet Tubman, Mother Jones, And Melba Pattillo Beals1505 Words  | 7 PagesFighting for Human Rights How can a person make a big difference in human rights? Well, Harriet Tubman, Mother Jones, and Melba Pattillo Beals are all examples of people who fought and made a big impact for all human rights. While Harriet Tubman and Melba Pattillo Beals stood up for African American Rights, Mother Jones fought for child labor laws, and all these individuals were determined to take action for their cause. These special people helped to enact change by standing up for rights they believeRead More Harriet Tubman : Walk to Freedom Essay1023 Words  | 5 Pagesboys by the hands and leads them to the other side. That is exactly how Harriet Tubman lived her life. During her first plan to escape slavery, she went on her way with two of her brothers. Harriet reached safety, but her brothers had turned back halfway to freedom. After that incident, Harriet Tubman devoted her life to helping slaves cross the street to freedom. THESIS With a past childhood surrounded with slavery, Harriet Tubman grew up with the need to make a difference; after years of smugglingRead MoreHarriet Tubm The Most Influential Women Of All Time1609 Words  | 7 Pagespeople are capable of defying the rolls of society but that did not stop Harriet Tubman. Not only was Tubman the bravest woman in history, she was an African American slave who overcame adversity. Tubman escaped and not only made a better life for herself, but made a difference in hundreds of other African Americans lives. Tubman risked her own safety and freedom to help other African American’s reach their freedom. Tubman taught us that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you lookRead MoreHarriet Tubman1182 Words  | 5 PagesEarly Years Her real name was Harriet Beecher Stowe. Born as a salve on June 14, 1820 on a plantation in Maryland. There were 8 children in her family and she was the sixth. When she was five, her Mother died. Her Father remarried one year later and in time had three more children. Her Father always wanted her to be a boy. When Harriet was only 13 years old, she tried to stop a person from being whipped and went between the two people. The white man hit her in the head with a shovel andRead MoreEssay On Harriet Tubman1602 Words  | 7 PagesHarriet Tubman â€Å"I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other.†-Tubman The world was blessed with Harriet Tubman in 1822 on the eastern shore of Maryland. Unfortunately, Tubman was born into this world as a slave and lived on a plantation with her family, which consisted of four brothers and four sisters. Her parents named her Araminta â€Å"Minty†Ross but soon, with the coming of age, she changed herRead More Harriet Tubman Essay1183 Words  | 5 Pages Early Years Her real name was Harriet Beecher Stowe. Born as a salve on June 14, 1820 on a plantation in Maryland. There were 8 children in her family and she was the sixth. When she was five, her Mother died. Her Father remarried one year later and in time had three more children. Her Father always wanted her to be a boy. When Harriet was only 13 years old, she tried to stop a person from being whipped and went between the two people. The white man hit her in the head with a shovel and she blacked
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Important Role Of Intentions And Outcomes - 1448 Words
The Important Role of Intentions and Outcomes in Euthanasia â€Å"I don’t want to die, I’m not suicidal; I just simply cannot go on living this way anymore.†As a hospice volunteer I have seen every psychological stage of the dying. It’s hard to watch someone go through the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies the knowledge of imminent death. Mary was one of my residents for over 6 months, when she first arrived at the inpatient unit it seemed as if she had nothing wrong with her. In the early months I would sit with her and talk about her life, read books with her, and occasionally play a game of cards. She confided in me intimate details of her life, and I looked forward to visiting with her every week. Around the 4th month†¦show more content†¦Active euthanasia is the act of giving the means to a terminally ill patient to cause their death. Whereas, passive euthanasia is the withdrawal of treatment, or the failure to treat with the intentio n of causing the patient’s death. I believe that there is no moral difference between assisting someone to die on their own terms, and not allowing for interventions to take place in order to sustain the life of a person. In both of these cases the patient in question made the autonomous decision to not continue with their life in this way. The outcome is the same in both scenarios. In each of these a person is relieved of their suffering, through a means of death. The person assisting in reaching this outcome had the pure intention of respecting the patient’s wishes in both cases. The result of death for these patients is a more favorable outcome than any form of prolonged life. The importance in determining the lack of distinction lies in intentions. For instance say a doctor is very tired and simply wants to go home, but a person with a severe gunshot wound comes to him and is bleeding profusely. The doctor knows that surgery to repair this injury will take a very long time, and he is not even sure that it will work. Instead of treating this patient the doctor lets the man bleed to death in a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Role of the Practitioner Free Essays
ll early years practitioners have a role to play in quality improvement by developing their personal and professional skills as reflective practitioners. Linda Thornton and Pat Brunton discuss what you can do The quality of provision in any early years settings is dependent on the skills, attitudes, knowledge and experience of everyone who works there. Reflective practice is the key to quality improvement as it helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different aspects of a setting’s provision. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of the Practitioner or any similar topic only for you Order Now Being a reflective practitioner involves thinking about how you currently work and evaluating what you do in order to improve your practice. The reflective practitioner stands back, takes a balanced view and recognises what works well, but is also able to acknowledge what could be changed. To be a reflective practitioner you need to be self aware and able to look as objectively and honestly as possible at how you work with children, colleagues and parents. This is not easy, but taking a proactive role, reflecting on and analysing your own practice is far more rewarding than relying on someone in a more senior position to do this for you. Evaluating your own practice helps to put you in control of the changes that should be made, enables you to identify your professional development needs and will increase your confidence and feelings of job satisfaction. Reflective practice and self evaluation are fundamental to the Ofsted inspection process. By completing the Self Evaluation Form (SEF) managers and setting leaders are able to provide a snapshot of what happens in a setting. Through the SEF they can clearly identify the setting’s strengths and highlight what it does well. At the same time they can acknowledge any weaknesses in provision and plan the changes and improvements to be made. However, managers cannot achieve this alone. They are reliant on all practitioners in the setting taking responsibility for the quality of their individual practice and aiming for continuous improvement. The reflective practitioner in action Being a good role model Reflect on how enthusiastic, positive and optimistic you are and how you demonstrate this in your work from day to day. Think about how you treat colleagues, how well you listen to them and to what extent you are prepared to help out if needed. Consider the way to talk to children and how good you are at listening to what they have to say and following up on their ideas. How good are you at making parents feel welcome and at valuing what they can tell you about what is important for their individual child? Do you help the setting to run smoothly by thinking ahead and being proactive in solving problems as they arise? Do you take responsibility for your own professional development? Understanding the SEF By understanding the structure of the SEF and looking at the questions it asks you can become more aware of how your individual practice contributes to the overall provision of the setting. The SEF is in three parts that look at different aspects of how a setting functions. Part A: The details of the setting and the views of those who use it As a reflective practitioner, consider the contribution you make to the vision and values of the setting and what it aims to achieve for children and families. Think about how well you help parents and children to feel a part of the setting. How do you enable them to express opinions and have their views listened to? How good are you at contributing your ideas and opinions and listening to the views of others? How to cite Role of the Practitioner, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Vetting Procedures and Counter Surveillance - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theVetting Procedures and Counter SurveillanceMeasures. Answer: Introduction In Australia, vetting is a common practice carried out by a majority of the employers. It is done to check criminal records where necessary and as a security measure against insider threat. Mainly, the vetting process comprises of police checks, past employment history, an employees qualifications, traffic convictions, tenancy, financial and psychometric assessments. Overall, the process varies depending on the reason for vetting. Moreover, companies are also using counter surveillance measures. The use of vetting and counter surveillance measures is among the many ways corporates and individuals are enhancing the security of information and assets. The Vetting Procedure for Australian security clearance For the Australian government, vetting entails personnel security practices carried out on its employees to ensure they have security clearance to access government resources. Security clearance is accorded depending on four levels which are Baseline Personnel Security Standard, Counter Terrorist Check, Security Check and Developed Vetting.[1] The vetting process is conducted by vetting agencies such as Australian Government Security Vetting Agency (AGSVA) and other authorized agencies.[2] However, the Australian Government Security Vetting Agency is mandated to offer security clearances for a majority of the government, state and territory agencies. Generally, this vetting process has various stages. The first stage is the where agencies decide which are the requirements for the security clearance. In the second stage, the vetting agency that is hired issues the clearance pack after confirming the requirements.[3] Afterward, the person who wants the clearance, clearance subject, completes the pack and provides documents as supporting evidence. Later the clearance pack is processed while various checks are conducted. The assessing officers in the vetting agency then recommend whether the clearance should be granted or denied and the information is passed to the delegate. At this stage, the delegate makes a decision which must be in line with the recommendation of the assessing officer. If there are any disagreements, the clearance is returned to the assessing officer.[4] If no issues arise, the agency is supposed to advise the applicant of the outcome. Lastly, the agency conducts periodic checks to ensure the holder is still suitable for the clearance. Additionally, the outcome is subject to review and appeal. Counter Surveillance Equipment Due to the rise in affordability and availability of surveillance bugs and taps from the internet, the need for surveillance countermeasures has risen. As a result, some retailers offer surveillance countermeasures services. Currently, the equipment used detects bugs from homes, workplaces, and vehicles. The surveillance equipment detected include audio listening bugs, phone bugs, 3G and 4G bugs, GSM bugs, Global Positioning System (GPS) vehicle trackers and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices.[5] The companies that offer these services use the latest digital technology to increase efficiency and effectiveness. These services range from Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) equipment for sale and technicians for hire who can perform the sweep using TSCM. These services are readily available through the internet with companies such as Spy City offering the service at $1,1995 for three hours.[6] Melbourne Investigations offers the detection of hidden cameras, GPS trackers, listening and phone tapping devices.[7] Meanwhile, Prime Investigations offers counter surveillance services that detect GSM bugs, phone taps, GPS trackers and hidden cameras.[8] Other companies such as The Australian Bug Detection Group and National surveillance and intelligence offer bug detection sweeps with use of the latest digital technology.[9] Vetting of Staff Members for Criminal Records in New Zealand In New Zealand employers can check criminal records of employees or job applicants. This can be done through the Ministry of Justice and Police vetting information.[10] To obtain this information the employer must first get the consent of the employee or job applicant in written form. In most cases, it is better to vet applicants before hiring them to avoid unnecessary inconveniences when one has to fire someone. In the hiring process, if the employer wishes to obtain criminal records of applicants the application forms should state that the applicants should disclose criminal information and consequences should they fail to do so. Further, the employment agreement should state that employment is done if the employer is satisfied with the findings from the criminal record. Some people are protected by the clean slate rule, and they do not reveal their criminal record. For the employers who decide to go through the Ministry of Justice, they obtain a list of criminal and traffic convictions where the employee was found guilty. On the other hand, police vetting provides information to approved agencies about employees that care for children, old people and those who are vulnerable in the society. Information is released depending on its relevance to the position of the employee. This information may include court convictions and charges.[11] Employers are also not allowed to use the information obtained to short list candidates. They are to present the information to the employees and give them a chance to explain themselves. In addition, they are obliged to disclose the retention period which for agencies is set at a maximum of twelve months. Conclusion In conclusion, vetting is done by most employers for various reasons as aforementioned. Generally, the vetting procedure occurs in different stages depending on the vetting agency and the reason for the vetting process. Additionally, the use of counter surveillance measures is on the rise, and the services are readily available for individuals and corporates. Finally, the vetting process for criminal records differs according to the laws governing a jurisdiction. Bibliography Bug Detector Melbourne - Melbourne Investigations(2017) Melbourne Investigations https://melbourneinvestigations.com.au/private-investigators-melbourne/bug-detector-melbourne Criminal Record Checks Employment New Zealand(2017) Employment.govt.Nz https://www.employment.govt.nz/workplace-policies/tests-and-checks/criminal-record-checks/ Electronic Bug Detection Sydney | Prime Investigations (2017) Primeinvestigations.com.au https://www.primeinvestigations.com.au/electronic-bug-detection-sydney/ Human Rights: On the Record: Recruitment (Chapter 5) | Australian Human Rights Commission (2017) Humanrights.gov.au https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/human-rights-record-recruitment-chapter-5 Personnel Security Guidelines - Vetting Practices (2016) TSCM - Electronic Bug Detection, Security Sweep Melbourne, Electronic Bug Sweeping, Countermeasures (2017) 21investigations.com.au https://www.21investigations.com.au/tscm_bug_sweeping_electronic_countermeasures.php TSCM Service - 3 Hours - Melbourne Based (2017) SPY CITY https://spycity.com.au/solutions/tscm-service-3-hours-melbourne-based/ Working in Government - Security Vetting / Security Clearance - Theinfohub By Unlock | For People with Convictions and Criminal Recordstheinfohub By Unlock | For People with Convictions and Criminal Records(2017) Hub.unlock.org.uk https://hub.unlock.org.uk/knowledgebase/working-in-government-security-vetting/
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