Monday, January 27, 2020
Refugee And Immigrant Children In Canada Social Work Essay
Refugee And Immigrant Children In Canada Social Work Essay Refugee and immigrant children and youth along with their families comprise the majority of Canadian society. Refugees and immigrants are the mosaic face of present day society. We as citizens have witnessed the process newcomers experience in order to receive their Canadian status. As we are aware of the possible complications that can arise both the Rossiter and Rossiter (2009) article along with Fantino and Colak (2001) article shed an interesting light on migration. These articles discuss how youth challenge these barriers to gain identity in the new society, how issues arise between their inner self and society and also how society can contribute to migration complications. The articles also review how society can be seen to have a positive impact to their experience during migration and adaptation. Both articles assume a similar theme when discussing the challenges/troubles these youth and children encounter during their acculturation period. Summary of articles:                Diamonds in the Rough: Bridging gaps in support for at-risk immigrant and refugee youth summarized the troubles both within the individual and society that is creating a gap within the youth. The gap between individual and society is brought to point in this article as creating a behavior in the youth to engage in high-risk criminal behaviors. Rossiter and Rossiter (2009) focus on the risk and protective factors that are perceived by key stakeholders to influence at-risk immigrant youth who eventually become involved in crime, gangs and violence in Edmonton, Canada (Pg. 2). Rossiter and Rossiter (2009) organize their article on the view of immigrant and refugee youth behavior by discussing immigrants and crime, bringing upon a theoretical background focused on Maslows theory and how Maslows Hierarchy of need provide insight as to how inner fulfillment discourages negative actions/thoughts/behaviors.                 Rossiter and Rossiter (2009) review a study that was conducted in order to attain a deeper perspective of the migrating youth into Canadian society; they discuss the risk factors both in the community setting and within the individual. These studies first discussed negative factors affecting the youth and positive factors assisting the youth to not fall into criminal behavior. Lastly, both authors discuss a solution that I would like to classify it in order to understand these gap and misinterpretation between a trouble both within and outside the youth.                Rossiter and Rossiter (2009) state that youth who migrate to Canada with their family are faced with issues from back home, such as pre-migration violence and trauma were reported to be predisposing risk factors for youth involvement in violent and criminal activity in Canada: many youth from refugee camps have witnessed or experienced violence (e.g. rape, murder, and torture) and suffer from depression, nightmares, flashbacks and or disturbed sleep patterns (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 9). A youth arriving in a country that has already developed their own culture and unique mother of tongue can further create a bigger barrier for the youth in terms of acclimating to this new society, their new home.                Social services representative discuss the complications of integration that can cause stress or anxiety-all their symptoms basically prevent them from learning and adapting (As cited by Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.9). These youth experience pressure to fit in when it comes to the school system. They are encountered with peer pressure or alienation (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.9) as association with antisocial peers, however, can lead to violent altercations and crime (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.9). Education was one area where it was classified as a positive impact encouraging youth to act in a positive manner (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.4). Due to the alienation that youth experience due to the want of fitting in within their peers, criminal justice representative said education was seen as extremely important for immigrant and refugee youth: Not having [education] is whats creating the push in the other direction, and having it is what would save them (As cited by Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 13). Creating these barriers furthermore sets this youth to drop out and as a school is seen as a recruitment into drug-related crimes (Pg.10). While seeing the complications that the lack of education can cause we can acknowledge the importance of school and education towards the future of the youth.                Rossiter and Rossiter (2009) discuss how youth first entering Canada with their families are seen to be lead by the government into subsidized housing (p.11) due to their lack of finances thus, these youth may not have the same economic standing as their peers. This makes the youth feel uncomfortable leading to the youth having to deal with an inner struggle between wants and needs (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 9). The authors made it clear that contributing factors such as: family support and stability, socio-economic status, physical and mental health, age of arrival, language proficiency, interpersonal skills social networks, personal resilience, employment opportunities and housing and neighborhood, among others (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 4) are seen as a pushing negative factor and also a helpful positive factor for the youth to get out of troubles in the criminal system. The authors prescribe mentorship and s chool activities to assist these youth out of the negative criminal behavior (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 13-14). They discuss how teachers are often unaware of the challenges faced by immigrant and refugee students, and the education system itself is ill prepared to meet their complex needs. Isolation and a lack of social support at school and in the wider community mean that immigrant and refugee youth may be left with few options, and antisocial peers involved in drugs, crime and gangs may be perceived as attractive alternatives (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.16). Family and community support along with Maslows hierarchy of needs should be in place in order to assist these youth. Families seen to be living in poverty are often unable to meet the physiological and safety needs of their children; at-risk youth who go to school without breakfast or lunch and live in subsidized housing may be especially vulnerable. Youth who lack close relationships to family, school and com munity or who suffer from feelings of inadequacy or failure are easy targets for gangs who promise to fulfill their needs for belonging and self-esteem. (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.16). The authors review the negative and positive influences that contribute to the idea of where funding should be focused. The authors provide the reader with a qualitative research method to get a better understanding by talking to adults who experienced youth criminal activities due to the barriers put forth. It is also important to note that the authors touched upon the lack of statistical research that is brought forth to the public that shows if immigrant and refugee youth are the only ones big in numbers in the jail system.                Refugee children in Canada: searching for an identity written by Fantino and Colak (2001) provide an overview of migration issues that arise and the troubles that these children are faced with pre and post arrival into Canada. Fantino and Colak (2001) discuss how the children migrating with their families bring with them issues that they face while coming to a new country as a refugee trauma from witnessing violent crimes, language difficulties, family disruption, and adjustment to a different culture-in addition to the challenges that accompany childhood and growing up (p. 587). Fantino and Colak (2001) draw comparison between immigrant children versus a refugee child. They both write how both classes deal with migration and endure the push-and-pull forces of home and school, which often work in opposite directions (p.589). As we are taught to believe that immigrants face less barriers due to their receipt of citizenship F antino and Colak do not fail to portray the similarities of both groups. Both may encounter societys discrimination and racism, and developing a sense of identity-while trying to bridge generational and cultural gaps (Fantino and Colak 2001, p.589). Perhaps the greatest threat to these children is not the stress of belonging to two cultures but the stress of belonging to none (p.589.) If these children receive a sense of belonging this can open up and increase their self-esteem and further avoid future barriers and inner fights within the child.                One specific concentration that Fantino and Colak (2001) bring forth is the desire for children in the school setting to be accepted by their peer group, be seen as a dependent and a master by interpreting for their parents (Fantino and Colak, 2001, p.589) these factors can contribute to the sense of belonging discussed earlier. These children are in essence parentified as they face the pressure of interpreting for their parents (p. 589). This pressure can have a dramatic effect on the child as they are given adult responsibility in settings they are not familiar with. Fantino and Colak (2001) wonder if children really do adapt better to society (p.591). They discuss the trouble of parents with the lack of communication they have with their children (p.590). Fantino and Colak refer to these refugee children as children without history (p. 594). Both authors bring forth ideas of the host country providing a positive act in order to make integration as a positive role for the child and family. One key factor in determining success is the reception of newcomers by the host society (p.589). Task force on mental healthi issues affecting immigrants and refugees (1998) writes that settlement support services, schools, health and social services and the community at large play a crucial role in assisting and supporting children to adjust and integrate into Canadian society (As cited by Fantino and Colak, 2001, p. 589). Fantino and Colak (2001) believe that in order for successful integration we must not ignore the parents who might also be facing trauma prior to arrival. They state that their challenge is to meaningfully integrate their history with the present and future realities of Canada (Fantino and Colak, 2001, p.595) it is only until we as Canadians work as a team to provide a safe haven for newcomers where we can assist and cater to their needs to provide them with adequate housing and support systems. As Fantino and Colak discuss migration trouble pre and post migration both authors do not fail to give Canadians a role on easy adaptation and this sense of guidance makes the struggle of migration as a societal problem and not solely a problem just with the migrating child with their family  Analytic discussion:                Both readings discuss the resolutions and the causes of what a child and youth experience as they migrate to a new country. The identified theme of the harm of migration to the individual at hand arises concerns and a deep look at why changes should be in place to assist the migrating newcomers. By looking deeply at the barriers/causes placed by society we will gain insight on understanding why. Both articles gather information by using a qualitative research method that asks children and adults who were deviant youth in the past about problems faced by both immigrant and refugee children and youth; both articles looked at the trouble faced within the individual and the trouble put on by society. Both articles answer questions of why and how these issues arise, both articles discuss solutions and the lack of statistics that would help to really understand the criminal system in regards to over population of immigrant and re fugees in the institution. As both articles take on such approaches to understanding migration and the effect it has on children regarding identity and youth portraying criminal behavior I will provide an analytic discussion in regard to the theme of troubles of migration faced by the immigrant and refugee child and youth. By discussing how the comparison of both articles both discussed the lack of identity the youth and child face, both articles discussed support systems, whether it was lacking or being seen as a great contributor for successful migration, education as a primary target for success in the individual and lastly community assistance that the host community must act upon. As all articles discuss the implication pre and post the childs and youths migration I still believe that further questions need to be asked in order to get a more holistic and complete view of migration difficulties and criminal behavior that the child and youth experience. Who is a refugee or immigrant youth or child when they come to Canada? It is to this thought that we can look at the identity of these young adults and children being challenged when entering a new country such as Canada. We are taught through both articles that when an individual such as a youth and child enter Canada we must realize the issues they have faced at home that might of led them to migrate: trauma from witnessing violent crimes, language difficulties, family disruption, and adjustment to a different culture-in addition to the challenges that accompany childhood and growing up (Fantino and Colak, 2001, p. 587). When one reads such statements I cant help but ask why arent these individuals dealing with the issues back home? Could it be that the government can no longer be trusted? Why migrate? Is Canada being portrayed to other countries as a loving, welcoming country? If so, we must change this. Canada being classified as a harmonious country or not has issues of its own. We are dealing with employment difficulties, high taxes, and are still involved in a war where other cultures are still being seen as a threat. Are we setting up this migrating youth with unrealistic expectations of Canada? Is this our fault as Canadians that we are simply setting up a trap for this migrating victims to have a difficult life in Canada?                         The issues back home which may have pushed their migration to Canada is not the only issue that these age groups experience. They also witness and experience issues in their new land, and this act should simply put the blame on us, on Canadians. Support system in the school setting is seen to be lacked and to be a great contributor to be the line of helping the youth and child to avoid criminal behavior. The development of positive relationships with caring adults in the school setting, such as ESL or mainstream teachers, counselors and school resources officers, was also considered to be a protective factor. In some schools, member of ethno-cultural communities offer approved courses designed to help students develop identity and intercultural competence (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 14).  After school programs where the student can receive assistance in studies or being involved in recreational activities can provide an outlet for the student to develop an identity by taking interest in other activities and also assisting with developing relationship with other students or guides. This not only provides them with a family setting in the school atmosphere but also an family unit when parents struggle to understand the school setting or simply when parents do not have much involvement with their children due to work or emotional difficulties. Dedicated workers such as these are helping youth exit gangs, offering them opportunities for success and keeping others from becoming involved with drugs and crime (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 14) As this form of assistance provides the assistance of the host community it shows how we can contribute positively to the outcome of the future of the new generation. As this is so, we must be aware of the access these children a nd youth have to schooling. Funding is needed for better schooling not only for these newcomers but also for youth all around. In Canada the cost to incarcerate a youth for 1 year is approximately $100,000 (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.3), and sending your child to school has no cost then leaves the question of why spend so much in incarcerating youth involved in criminal activity when such money can go into schooling where programs can arise from? As we should be addressing the crime taken in each community (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 3) we know that education can be seen as a way out for these youth to avoid them from falling into a trap of gang involvement and provide these children with a sense of identity and skills this is an investment that will not only help the migrating newcomer individual but where society would also benefit from. Derwing et al. (1999) and Watt and Roessingh (1994,2001) state that studies of school dropout rates of immigrant youth have indicated th at 46-74% of immigrant youth whose native language is not English fail to complete high school (As cited by Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 4) doesnt society see the need for funding? Community assistance needs to be put in force in order for these youth and children to experience an easy adaptation to Canadian society. Communities provide a learning experience by comforting the individual and providing an exit from any future criminal activity that might come through the youths and childs life. These could be centralized in a love reception center, with ongoing follow-up and support in school and community setting (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.17.) Providing these follow-ups with children, youth and their families will give these newcomers being a immigrant or refugee a voice and provide a further perspective of changes and improvements that could be more active.  Social services assistance: including language translation services; help in location permanent housing and accessing English language classes; a community orientation; referrals to health and social services; including professional counseling services; and other services as needed (Fantino and Col ak, 2001, p. 590). Such services can also be seen to benefit the family unit as a whole as it is helping all members of the family to access and be aware of the services provided by the host community, and can also be seen as a contributor in helping family bonds strengthening when migration can be viewed as a challenging phase for the family. Permanent housing should include specifications and be geographically located where criminal behavior is not the face of that community. Peer ambassador programmers that carefully match newcomers with more established immigrants from the same culture can also be very helpful (Fantino and Colak, 2001, p.590) If newcomers encounter other newcomers they will feel a sense of  hope as they will see that their present challenges were possible to be overcome; this will provide the recent newcomer with a sense that they can do it. We can make a change, so why in a country where 11.2% of the total population of 31 million identify themselves as members of a visible minority (Fantino and Colak 2001, p.588) are being faced with such troubles? In a country where employment is seen as hard to get regarding youth employment why are we not addressing this problem? We realize that the Canadian Baby Boomers are affecting work labor in the present society (Foot, 1998, 82) so how can we assist these youth to find a job when the baby boomers are occupying the majority of the labor market? Do we need more jobs specifically targeted to this population? Why are we still letting in refugee and immigrant families when we can barely assist those already in Canada? Why is Canada still setting up a trap for these newcomers? As I agree with the standings and arguments/solutions that both articles make, I do believe that more questions need to be asked, mostly questions regarding Canada and why Canada is still letting this happen. Heller (1995) along with Jiwani (2002) and Roberts (2002) state that ethnic minorities and those with English or French language difficulties, are disproportionately represented in the Canadian criminal justice system (as cited by Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p. 2) and Canadas lack of providing statistics related to race and ethnicity can further show that numbers need to be put into place in order to understand migration issues and complication. Without numbers can it be fair to say that Canada is contributing to the problem? Without numbers can Canada take a position and assist solely on word of mouth? Providing this overview can be frustrating to understand how to tackle such an issue of migration, but I do believe that in order for us to understand, numbers that are lacked in the prison system if minorities really do make up the population in the jail system needs to be placed. Rossiter and Rossiter state that such a study might increase discrimination towards these individuals (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.3) but how can we help a group without knowing statistics? Since Rossiter and Rossiter tackles such a perspective it leaves the question if Fantino and Colak say that the host community must assist these newcomers due to the issues surrounding this population how can we assist youth as a community when we are unaware of youth involvement in criminal behavior for example? Without data, Canadians are left in the dark, and this must change. We must make a change to recognize these newcomers diplomas (Rossiter and Rossiter, 2009, p.4.) and degrees to set them up for the work field in order for fairness and these barriers to fall down in favor of those newcomers. My approach to the solution of ending criminal behavior is to look at societal resolutions and also understand the change that needs to be placed. I believe that working with the individual and not for the individual will further assist these individuals on a personal identity level and guide them through the services that can help. Both articles bring upon an analytical overview of migration and the effects brought on by the host community and the services lacking these migrating youth and children. As we understand migration to have a negative effect on individuals we also must not rule out the good that migration can do, such as providing a safe haven for these newcomers from escaping from the harsh realities they faced back home. By communities gathering as a welcoming committee in order to provide the newcomers with a welcoming atmosphere the community must do more than accept the realities of just adapting to a mosaic country. We must work together to provide support for the ch ild, youth and their families. We must acknowledge the contributions that each youth and child carries within them and be culturally accepting. It can be instilled that the children are our future, and no matter what country these children and youth come from, all should be given a fair opportunity.  Â
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Feasibility of Nationalising the South African Mining Sector Essay
Introduction The mining industry forms the foundation of South Africa’s economy. Currently South Africa is the biggest producer of platinum in the world and one of the top producers of gold. Julius Malema, the leader of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) was at the forefront of having a detailed perspective on the nationalisation of mines in South Africa at the beginning of 2010. Malema believes the nationalisation of mines will solve all economic disparities in South Africa. There are many South Africans who agree or disagree with this idea. The following discussion will provide answers to why it should be done and who benefits or why it should not be done and what the shortcomings are and the costs that the country will incur if it were to be done as well as examples of nationalisation in other countries (Roberts, 2011). Discussion Nationalisation is the operation of transferring ownership from the private sector to the public sector. According to the minister of finance, Mr Pravin Gordhan stated on the March 14, 2011 that nationalisation of South Africa’s mines and other economic assets are not government policy. â€Å"Nationalisation of mines means the democratic government’s ownership and control of Mining activities, including exploration, extraction, production, processing, trading and beneficiation of Mineral Resources in South Africa†(ANCYL, 2010). Therefore this would mean that no mines would be publicly owned but they would be owned by the state. It has been sixteen years since apartheid and the white minority of 10% of the population owns 80% of the country’s economic wealth. The Freedom Charter is a document that expresses the economic, social and political will of South Africans and according to the document, the mineral wealth of South Africa belongs to the people as a nation. â€Å"It is against this background upon which a concrete position on the nationalisation of Mines is formulated in order to guide the ANC in the transfer of mineral wealth beneath the soil to the ownership and benefit of the people as a whole†(ANCYL, 2010). If the state owns the mines it would allow them to manage the economy by controlling the important industries. They could also invest a larger amount of money and make their services more efficient. Nationalisation of the mines does not mean all sectors are in the hands of the country’s citizens and that they will benefit from all the sectors. It does not yet say anywhere what the ratio (between state owned and privately owned) of the division will be when nationalisations occurs, if it does. Therefore people shouldn’t think that the state will automatically have over half or a larger percentage. An important factor is whether nationalisation will be with or without compensation. It would almost be impossible to nationalise with compensation as the government currently doesn’t have the figure of about R 2-trillion which is how much it would cost to purchase the mines. But on the other hand, expropriation without compensation would cause a collapse of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). This would bring down provident and pension funds at the same time. A large number of servants and citizens would be without their retirement investments as well (ANCYL, 20 10). Therefore this poses a big problem already. Some people might think why the mines should be nationalised. Below are three reasons. 1. â€Å"Nationalisation to increase the State’s fiscal capacity and better the working conditions†(ANCYL, 2010). It states that the money received from taxes is not enough to help each and every single South African citizen, which it is not. Education, healthcare, safety and security and housing will not be provided to the masses if the government is not in control of the important sectors. There have been other success stories, such as in Botswana where nationalising the mines provided mineworkers with a safer working environment and higher wages. 2. â€Å"Nationalise to Industrialise and Create more jobs†(ANCYL, 2010). More jobs will be created and industrial investors will be attracted to add to education, expertise and the economy. 3. â€Å"Nationalisation to transform South Africa’s unequal spatial development patterns†(ANCYL, 2010). This means the areas that will be focused on will be ones which will be sustainable in the future as well as effective. Smaller areas that have never been mined before could be targeted as it will provide more jobs in these areas which rarely see economic activity (ANCYL, 2010). Malema believes that everybody in South Africa has the right to the wealth that is produced and that the state should own the larger part of the mines. â€Å"South Africa is divided as we speak. We’ve got two economies in one country, two nations in one country, and it is nationalisation that will unite us†(Andrew, 2011). He also believes many jobs will be created once the mines are nationalised. Patrice Motsepe, a South African businessman, states that he would back Malema’s decision as long as it is in the best interests of South Africa. The ANCYL believes South Africa’s minerals, water, land and marine resources should be used to maximise growth of South Africa’s economy and not purely for profit (Shivambu, 2010). If the mines are nationalised, new economic centres will be developed, new industrial development zones will be established, jobs will be created as the mines owned and controlled by the state will increase local beneficiation and industrialisation of the available mineral resources, and local economies will be developed (Shivambu, 2010). General Secretary of Congress of South African Trade Union (COSATU), Zwelinzima Vavi says that â€Å"Nationalisation can bolster our economy and it will always ensure development†(Beukes, 2011). He said that the nationalisation of the mines will make available money to all the people of the country, not only those who are currently working in the private sector (current mine owners) (Beukes, 2011). One of the ANCYL’s argument is that nationalisation was a demand found in the Freedom Charter and that South African citizens should share the mineral wealth of the nation between each and every one (Achary, 2010). Thus there are valid reasons for the mines to be nationalised but the major concern is the cost that the country would incur to make nationalisation happen. â€Å"Nationalisation is an unaffordable, untimely and frankly unnecessary suggestion, which has already undermined market stability†(Time, 2009). It would cost South Africa R1.4 to R2 trillion to nationalise the mines which seems silly if you think South Africa has the fifth biggest mining industry in the world. This figure does not include extra running costs as well as the costs that go with running loss-running mines. This shows it is a big part of the economy and would be tough to be nationalised. This figure is the same as trebling South Africa’s national debt over a single night, which is unrealistic (Time, 2009). â€Å"The debate on the thorny issue heated up with business executives and analysts warning that nationalisation would damage the economy†(Isa, 2011). Many say it is a disaster and has been for every country who has tried to pull it off. Susan Shabangu said â€Å"consideration of the step was misguided, as the real issue was to address povert y, unemployment, and inequality†(Isa, 2011). This shows that the debates that are ongoing will deter foreign investments. The ANC do realise that it’s close to impossible to nationalise the mines and come off on the right foot but are currently looking at models of how it could be implemented effectively (Isa, 2011). The nationalisation of mines has also been seen as a ploy to try and save Black Economic Empowerment (which has been in place in South Africa for a while, but has not achieved what it hoped to) and not focusing on the amount of poor in the country as well as the amount of unemployed workers (Business Day, 2011). The market value of South African mines (listed) is almost 850 billion rand which is above a third of the country’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Therefore the government should be more concerned over matters such as the education level and the health of the countries people. â€Å"Zambia nationalised the copper mines, which supplied 90% of its exports, in the early 1970s. It ended up hiring back the multinational copper companies to manage them†(News24, 2010). Zambia is the world’s 11th largest producer of copper. The mines were nationalised in 1969 and at this time were exporting about 700 000 tonnes of copper per annum. By the year 2000, exporting figures had constantly decreased to 225 000 tonnes. The result of the decline was partly because of a lack of investments as well as mismanagement of the mines. â€Å"Zambia has neither the capital nor the skills to run the mines by itself†(Time, 1969). Other factors were the drop in the price of copper, a lack of skills among the citizens in Zambia and they were unable to raise capital. They lacked a strong plan with which to back up their initial aim (Time, 1969). Restrictions were placed on exports and imports which resulted in exchange rates rising and therefore gains from exports reduced. Zambia also failed to save earnings when the copper price was high and thus when the price fell, they suffered immensely. Even though the situation is not exactly the same, it does show that to nationalise mines a lot of debate needs to occur as well as research and obviously the country needs the required funds to make sure it can be made possible. South Africa does not have these funds at the moment and thus would not be able to nationalise the mines unless they are willing to operate with huge debts which is unfeasible (Osei-Hwedie, 2003). Conclusion â€Å"Nationalisation is an unaffordable, untimely and frankly unnecessary suggestion, which has already undermined market stability†(George, 2009). This statement sums up the idea of nationalisation of mines in South Africa. It obviously has its advantages such as giving higher wages and creating more jobs but it is clearly evident that the positives are outweighed by the negatives. With so many jobs in South Africa’s mining sector at stake, it is irresponsible to talk about placing this key sector of the economy in the hands of government people. The country does not have nearly enough funds for this project to take place and thus in my view should not take place in even in the near future (Marais, 2010). Reference List ACHARY, N. (2010). Nationalising the Mining Sector in South Africa [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 September 2011]. ANCYL (2010). Towards the Transfer of Mineral Wealth to the Ownership of the People as a Whole: A Perspective on Nationalisation of Mines. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 22 September 2011]. ANDREW, M. (2011). Nationalisation will unite SA, says Malema [Online]. Available: [Accessed 21 September 2011]. 3 BEUKES, W. (2011). Vavi joins ANCYL in calls for nationalisation [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 September 2011]. BUSINESS DAY (2010). Nationalisation won’t help poor – Nzimande [Online]. Available: [Accessed 26 September 2011]. GEORGE, D. (2009). Nationalising South Africa’s mines would cost R1.4-trillion [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 September 2011]. ISA, M. (2011). Nationalisation talk ‘costing SA jobs’ . [Online]. Available: [Accessed 27 September 2011]. MARAIS, E. (2010). Budget Speech: Nationalisation of SA’s mines [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23 September 2011]. NEWS24 (2010). Zambia’s nationalisation woes: ANC [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20 September 2011]. OSEI-HWEDIE, B. (2003). Development Policy and Economic Change in Zambia [Online]. Available: [Accessed 24 September 2011]. ROBERTS, J. (2011) SA’s mining industry losing ground [Online]. Available: [Accessed 25 September 2011]. SHIVAMBU, N. (2010). The case for the nationalisation of mineral resources [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23 September 2011]. TIME MAGAZINE (1969). Mining: Nationalization in Zambia. [Online]. Available:,9171,898567,00.html#ixzz1YgJNdxqy [Accessed 22 September 2011].
Friday, January 10, 2020
How to write a essay Essay
Getting into college could be as easy as memorizing the alphabet just like a preschooler. But, getting into college with a scholarship is a whole different thing. From the thousands of college applicants aiming for a scholarship, how will you make your essay application stand out? There are millions of essay examples over the internet but, you need to come up with an essay that will get you that scholarship. Tips on How to Write a Good Scholarship Essay: 1. Read instructions carefully College application can become a common thing for you. You might actually get the feeling of doing the same thing over and over like answering the same question for the nth number of times. No matter how similar college applications are, you have to read and understand the instructions well. If you want to land on a good school for college with a scholarship, everything starts with reading and comprehending the instructions. 2. Organize your thoughts After reading the instructions, it’s time to line up your thoughts to make an effective essay that will get you that scholarship. Look for essay samples on the internet or in books. Have a sort of survey from resources that will help you fill in the contents of your essay. It is difficult to start writing an essay, but with organized ideas, you can do it efficiently and effectively. 3. Make an outline When you get a general idea of the essay contents, you can now make an outline of specific details that will be included in your composition. Essay examples usually present general ideas down to the specific. Having an outline is very helpful to keep your essay consistent and focused on a particular topic. 4. Discuss every topic based on the instruction Paying attention to details or instructions is actually part of writing the essay for a scholarship application. Make sure that every topic asked in the essay questions is discussed in the whole composition. Remember that you only have one chance of writing an essay that will make a lasting impression on your college application. 5. Use simple language format and make sure your grammar is perfect Do not try to impress readers of your essay. Even if you are in college, you are not expected to use highfaluting words, but rather make your sentences simple and clear. No matter how technical your vocabulary is but poor grammar is an indication of a lousy essay. 6. Avoid bragging about your achievements Although it is important that you include your achievements as this will help your scholarship application, however you only need to do this if you are asked to do so. Avoid bragging, instead, talk about your achievements simply. It is also good to include the lessons you have learned in gaining such success. 7. Have someone edit and check your work To ensure that you are submitting an essay that will get you the scholarship, have an expert check your work. An editor or a previous professor can help you improve and validate how excellent or poor your essay is. Essay Writing First paragraph  Introduction The first paragraph is essential in capturing the attention of your readers. It is called an introduction as it gives an overview of what your essay is all about. The first paragraph should be similar to an â€Å"About Me†part of a reading material. Make it as simple as possible and dynamically connected to your next point. Second Paragraph – Important Details The second paragraph should support your introduction. This section includes more detail and usually the start of elaboration for every point or question. Say for example, state reasons why you should qualify for the scholarship; state your accomplishments; why are you choosing a particular course and the like. Third paragraph – Future Goals The third paragraph should speak of your future goals and your vision after pursuing a college degree. Goals have to be specific, and should reflect an action plan after your college graduation. Fourth paragraph – The Best Candidate End your essay by stating reasons why you are the best candidate to be chosen for the scholarship. State two to three main points from the previous paragraphs. Do not forget to note your appreciation for the readers of your essay for taking the time to read your essay. Composing your ideas and putting them in writing is never easy. It can be stressful and puts on a lot of pressure, especially when your future depends on this essay for a scholarship grant. There are many essay examples you can find on the web today.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
How Long Do Sea Turtles Live
There are seven species of sea turtles on Earth: green turtle, leatherback, flatback, loggerhead, hawksbill, Kemp’s ridley, and olive ridley. Sea turtles typically live between 30 and 50 years, with some documented cases of sea turtles living as long as 150 years. While we know that all sea turtle species have lengthy lifespans, the upper limit of their potential natural lifespan remains a mystery to scientists. Of the seven species of sea turtles on the globe, the hawksbill has the shortest lifespan at 30 to 50 years, and the green turtle has the longest at 80 years or more. The largest and smallest sea turtles–the leatherback and the kemps ridley, respectively–both have an average lifespan of 45 to 50 years.  The Sea Turtle Life Cycle Birth A sea turtle’s life begins when a female nests and lays eggs on a beach, usually near where she was born. She will nest between two and eight times each season, laying about 100 eggs in each nest. The eggs are vulnerable to predators like birds, mammals, and fish. After a period of six to eight weeks, the surviving hatchlings break out of their eggs (called pipping), emerge from the sand, and head towards the water. Lost Years Only an estimated 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000 hatchlings survive to experience the next phase of life: the open ocean phase. This period, which lasts between two and 10 years, is also called â€Å"the lost years†because the turtles movements at sea are hard to monitor. While turtles can be tagged by scientists, the transmitters used are often too bulky for younger creatures. In 2014, a group of researchers from Florida and Wisconsin used smaller equipment to track the â€Å"lost years†of hatchlings that they had raised for several months and then released. They concluded that hatchlings head out to sea to avoid predators and follow warm surface waters that support their growth. Adulthood Sea turtles grow up slowly. It takes them between 15 and 50 years to become reproductively mature. They spend their adult lives foraging in coastal waters and migrating to beaches to mate. Only the females come ashore to nest, a process that takes place every two to five years. Like birds and fish, sea turtles rely on the magnetic field of the planet to return to their place of birth. Their migrations can be lengthy. In 2008, a leatherback was tracked traveling 12,774 miles from Indonesia to Oregon. Females have been known to nest until the age of 80. Death Sea turtles often die because of predation and human-related causes. Some of their main predators are sharks, killer whales, and large fish like grouper. They also face dangers from poaching, fishing gear entanglement, pollution, marine debris like plastic, and climate change. Rising sea levels and increasing storm activity threaten nesting grounds. Due in large part to these human-made threats, most sea turtle species are endangered. How Long Can Sea Turtles Live? The title of â€Å"oldest sea turtle†remains unclaimed, which enhances the species’ mystique. Determining exactly how long sea turtles live is particularly difficult because the turtles often outlive the duration of most studies. When sea turtles are tagged, satellite data transmission typically lasts just between six and 24 months. Meanwhile, turtles can live for decades. To make matters even more ambiguous, there is no scientifically accepted method for using a sea turtle’s appearance to determine its age. Scientists often analyze the bone structure of deceased turtles to estimate age. One of the oldest known sea turtles is a green turtle named Myrtle, who has been at the Cape Cod aquarium for more than 45 years and is estimated to be 90 years old. However, according to Carol Haley, the Assistant Curator of Fishes at the Tennessee Aquarium, some sea turtles can live 100 or even 150 years. A few sea turtles may have outlived that estimate in the last few decades. In 2006, Li Chengtang, head of the Guangzhou Aquarium in China, said that the oldest sea turtle onsite was â€Å"about 400 years old, as determined by a shell test by a taxonomic professor.†Another news report of an elderly sea turtle in the Philippines stated that a sea turtle close to 200 years old was discovered in a fish pen and brought to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Why Do Sea Turtles Live So Long? Sea turtles have been on Earth for more than 100 million years. To put that in perspective, dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago and early human ancestors started walking on two legs about 4 million years ago. Research indicates that a key explanation for the sea turtles long lifespan is its slow metabolism or rate of converting food into energy. According to a 2011 study in the Journal of Experimental Biology, metabolic rates play a key role in sea turtle health, as they control â€Å"the fitness of the individual†and â€Å"ultimately define population structure and size. Animal metabolism is sometimes described as â€Å"the fire of life.†Typically, the slower the burn, the longer a fireâ€â€or creatureâ€â€lives. Sea turtles metabolize and grow slowly, and consequently live for a longer period. Green sea turtles can slow their heartbeats down to a rate of 9 minutes between beats. This characteristic empowers them to take drawn-out feeding dives for up to five hours. In stark contrast, a speedy hummingbird’s heart beats as many as 1,260 times each minute, and it may eat every 10 minutes. Hummingbirds have a much shorter life span than sea turtles, living just three to five years. While sea turtles continue to face numerous threats, scientists and researchers wont be deterred. Conservation efforts persist to keep these majestic divers pushing the limits of long life in the sea. Sources â€Å"Basic Facts About Sea Turtles.†Defenders of Wildlife, 18 Mar. 2013,, Manfred R., et al. â€Å"Energy Expenditure of Freely Swimming Adult Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) and Its Link with Body Acceleration.†Journal of Experimental Biology, The Company of Biologists Ltd, 1 Dec. 2011,, Ian. â€Å"Sea Turtles Are a Conservation Success Story – Mostly.†Oceans, News Deeply, 18 Oct. 2017,â€Å"Hummingbirds.†National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior,, Chauncey D. â€Å"The Fire of Life. An Introduction to Animal Energetics. Max Kleiber. Wiley, New York, 1961. Xxii 454 Pp. Illus.†Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 22 Dec. 1961, 34/3495/2033.1.Mansfield, Katherine L., et al. â€Å"First Satellite Tracks of Neonate Sea Turtles Redefine the Lost Years Oceanic Niche.†Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, The Royal Society, 22 Apr. 2014,, Melissa. â€Å"Growth and Ontogeny of Sea Turtles Using Skeletochronology: Methods, Validation and Application to Conservation.†ResearchGate, 1 Jan. 2002,, Andrea. â€Å"Turtle Migrates 12,774 Miles.†LiveScience, Purch, 29 Jan. 2008,
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